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Returning To Recovery: Getting Back Into Sober Living After Relapse

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It is important that you start getting back into sober living after relapse to prevent future relapses. Studies show that if you are not able to stay clean for more than three months, then there is a high chance that you will have another drink or drug problem at some point in the future. This means that it is imperative to learn how to live sober again. Here’s some practical advice to help get you started.

Why do People Relapse in Sober Living? 

The reason people relapse in sober living is that they don’t have a strong enough support system. They’re not getting the help that they need to stay clean and sober, and they’re not being held accountable for their actions.

Perhaps you’ve heard about the “12-Step” program. It was developed by AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) as a way to help alcoholics stop drinking. The 12 steps teach people to recognize when they are having an alcoholic episode and to take action to change their behavior before it becomes too late.

In order to stay clean and sober long term, you must be willing to admit your problems and seek help from others who can guide you through recovery. You also need to accept responsibility for your own actions. If you don’t, then you won’t be able to make any progress toward sobriety.

How to Avoid Relapse Triggers in Sober Living

There are many things that could trigger a relapse in sober living. Some of these include:

  • Stressful situations – These may include job loss, divorce, moving away from friends and family, financial difficulties, etc.
  • Lack of motivation – Motivation is one of the most important factors in staying clean and sober. When you feel like you don’t have anything left to lose, it’s easy to give up on yourself and start drinking or using again.
  • Negative thinking patterns – Thinking negatively about yourself, your life, and your situation can lead to depression and anxiety.
  • Being around others using – The company of others drinking alcohol or using drugs can be a trigger for relapse.
  • Being around negative people – If you spend time with people who constantly complain about their lives, you’ll find it hard to keep going without giving into temptation.
  • Going out partying – Pressures to go to parties where others are using or drinking could lead to a relapse.

What to Do After Relapse?

After a relapse, it’s essential to know what to do next. Here are some tips to help you get back on track:

  • Get professional help. There are many different types of rehab centers available. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about which center might work best for you.
  • Stay positive. Remind yourself why you decided to quit drinking and using drugs in the first place. Remember that you made a commitment to yourself to stay clean and sober.
  • Find a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who has been through similar experiences and knows what it feels like to recover from addiction. They can provide encouragement and support during this difficult time.
  • Make new friends. Your social circle should consist of people who encourage you to stay sober.
  • Be honest with yourself. Know that if you slip up, you will fail at times. Learn from your mistakes rather than trying to hide your failures.
  • Keep working through your recovery program. Focusing on your steps to recovery reinforces your goal to stay sober. Each day, remind yourself why you chose to quit using drugs and alcohol.
  • Take care of your body. Eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep.
  • Get involved in an AA meeting. Meetings are held every day of the week. They’re free and open to everyone.
  • Attend AA meetings as often as possible. The more you attend, the better prepared you’ll be when you feel tempted to use or drink.
  • Set boundaries. Say “no” to people who pressure you to drink or use drugs.
  • Learn to trust yourself. You’ve already done so much to change your life. Now it’s time to put those changes into action.

Sober Living in Los Angeles, CA

Relapse can occur during early recovery. Addiction is a chronic disease that requires changing long-lasting behavioral patterns. If you or your loved one has relapsed, Miracle House Foundation of Los Angeles, CA, can help with our sober living programs. Contact us today to learn more.

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